Pink Pin-up


Inspired by classic pin-ups, this photo shoot features my very good friend and model, Madilynn Crowder with a special appearance by Jacques, the dog. I wanted this shot to be simple, clean, and an all around fun image. I love working with vibrant colored backgrounds that help make my subjects pop while also setting the tone for the final image.

Give Jacques a treat and a few scratches behind the ears and he is one happy puppy for fifteen minutes. This photo shoot taught me how fast you have to work with a a lot of patience to get the shot that works. Madilynn was a spectacular model as well with providing wardrobe and beautiful, energetic smile. Special thank you to Sean Balko, Angela Robinson, and Kevin Calhoun for your assistance.

Sylvia O'Stayformore



A portrait featuring Sylvia O’Stayformore, a well known drag queen in the Seattle community is a person of many talents. Being a fan of hers myself, I reached out to her specifically to do a photo shoot not only featuring her bubbly persona but also advertise that one of her jobs is hosting Tupperware parties. Inspiration for this photo shoot came from the classic 1960s “perfect” housewife stereotype as well as other pop culture references like Lucille Ball, Desperate Housewives, and Pleasentville.

My preproduction work included hunting for the right props, burning shirts, toasting two loafs of white bread, melting three pounds of Velveeta, and three hours of light testing. Sylvia was great to work with on set and I am very excited to include her in my portfolio. Special thank you to Sylvia O’Stayformore for begin a great model and Kevin Calhoun for assisting.

Comedy King


Given as a group project, my goal was to illustrate the ups and downs of a stand-up comedian and entertainer. I took heavy influence from favorite late night talk show hosts like, Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon, and David Letterman. In addition I wanted to incorporate classic slapstick spin on this project. My good friend, Steven Nolan was perfect for the role of the comedian and I didn’t think he would mind getting a pie in the face.

After spending a couple of hours hunting for props at Goodwill, I thought I couldn’t go wrong with a simple pie tin and can of whipped cream. Thank you to Steven Nolan for taking a pie in the face for my portfolio.  Special thank you to my instructor, Erik Skaar, my assistants, Rachael Conley and Erika Scott, and Mac Holt.