Kevin Gangi

Graphic Design

Smart Magazine

kevin gangi smartmag web
kevin gangi smartmag layout typography

Smart magazine is a guide to living a sophisticated lifestyle; it teaches men to dress smart, eat smart, drink smart, and be smart with entertaining articles.   Users come to the site for original content and are engaged by the overall design of the articles and layouts, and they stay reading because of contextually relevant posts and overall brand trust.

The scope of this project, which became two projects, was to create an identity for a men’s magazine, layout an entire magazine, and design and develop an entirely custom WordPress website.  The site can be viewed here:

Shot Genius

kevin gangi graphic design scca
kevin gangi UX graphic design

kevin gangi UX design

The Shot Genius golf system uses state of the art technology—tiny GPS sensors inside of golf balls, plus proprietary surveying technology to create the worlds first GPS golf ball.  The golf ball communicates with a users smart phone to track location of balls, analyzes swings, and keeps score.  This combination can create the perfect companion for any type of golfer, whether they play 49 rounds a year or 4. The ball itself is made up a variety of modern polymers and a great 3 layer construction that any golfer would appreciate.

Worked in collaboration with David Buitrago to create all aspects of the Shot Genius Golf System. The final deliverables were to create a prototype of our software, design and develop a one-page landing site for our product, create a marketing strategy and collateral, and a package design.  See the landing page here:

Jetset Mobile App

kevin gangi graphic design
kevin gangi graphic design scca

The Jetset mobile app helps users deal with the stress of being at the airport by easily sorting and filtering all of the airports restaurants, bars, cafes, and shopping areas. Users can input their flight information and receive updates and the app will use GPS to determine what places to visit. Businesses can use the app to send specials to the users to help increase sales and to gain brand trust.

To determine the features of this app I conducted a competitive audit and a survey of potential users, and narrowed down the list to a specialized set exclusively for people stuck at the airport. Along with the additional user testing required to determine if the app would work, I created a visual design and brand that would meet the needs of my user.