Orange Marmalade


Orange Marmalade is an e-commerce company that uses pop-up shops for marketing purposes. With a mission of providing a fun experience and delightful gifts, the product is based on signature prints produced exclusively for Orange Marmalade. Their values include being inspirational not aspirational, having clear and direct communication, and fun drives the bottom-line.

The design project followed these values and included branding, in-store signs, all shipping collateral, the prints, an e-store and a brick and mortar store. This was a collaborative design with Margaret Darcher.

Immigrants of Independence Valley Book Design


“Immigrants of Independence Valley” is a book about a small immigrant settlement in the Pacific Northwest. This unique community was populated almost entirely by a small ethnic group of Swede-Finns. There are only an estimated 300,000 Swede Finns in the world.

The valley was a tight-knit farming community, as one immigrant put it, “We all came from a small area of no more than a hundred square miles and we were half a world away.”  The book celebrates and preserves the cultural identity of these immigrants.

Prism: A Mobile Connected Device

Prism is a laser measuring system consisting of a laser measuring tool and an app that is accessible through a mobile device. Prism was designed from concept to launch. The project design relied completely on user testing done on site at The Home Depot.

The design changed and improved with all three stages of user testing. The marketing concept was directly informed by the testing, “Accurate. Efficient. Simple.” Prism was a collaboration with Nino Mascorella and Michelle Booth.