Jessica Sarah Williams


Children's Portraiture

Jessica Sarah Williams
Jessica Sarah Williams
Jessica Sarah Williams

When I first picked up a camera I was babysitting for multiple families instead of working a part time job. I immediately fell in love with capturing children at their truest self. The thing about kids is they are mostly not afraid to be themselves. Unlike adults kids show off when you stick a camera in their face.

For me photography is exchange when you take someone’s photo you step into his or her point of view for a little while. I think there is no better perspective I’d like to take more then a kids perspective for a little while.

Children's Event Photography

Jessica Sarah Williams
Jessica Sarah Williams
Jessica Sarah Williams

Kids event photography is basically wedding photography on steroids. These photos are from a joint brother sister birthday party. I ran a photo booth with props and ran around shooting candid photos for a few hours after. The best part of events like these is the ability grab great shots of kids when you barely even know their names.

For me the crazy environment that is a child’s birthday party allows my creativity soar. I am able to be a fly on the wall and also stop kids and pose them together. At children’s events you really have to keep your eyes open because its so easy to miss a shot and for me that gets my adrenaline going, which helps me turn out some really great shots.

Personal Work

Every once in a while a project comes along and it changes you. For a long time I really struggled with video, I had a hard time thinking outside of my still image mindset. This was until I found a story I was truly passionate about telling.

This piece is about my amazing grandmother and how much she shaped who I am. I have always been fascinated by events in our lives that impact who we are. This video was a practice in counting my blessings and being open to new things.