Riley Hollobaugh

Graphic Design


riley hollobaugh
riley hollobaugh

Secure is a smart container that communicates with your smartphone to help you personally manage your medication. Secure was a team collaboration with the talented Gabriel Lopez. I was in charge of the user experience, web design/development and the promotional video.

We focused on creating quick iterations based off user feedback. It was a challenging project because we not only design a digital experience but also a physical experience that synced flawlessly.


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The concept behind Proxima is that each month the magazine focuses on one event and tells the stories of each participant in full context. For example the debut issue focuses on the 2020 Olympic bid between Tokyo, Madrid and Istanbul.

How the winner was picked and what events influenced that decision. The main challenge in this project was keeping a consistent look and feel from print to web. I curated, designed and developed the entire magazine, brand, and website.



riley hollobaugh

Argo is startup rental car company focused on making renting a car easy and enjoyable. The key differentiator that Argo brings to the market is straightforward policies and simple options. Argo only provides two Lexus vehicles, the RHX and ES Hybrid. The Argo experience is fast and easy.

You reserve your car online, and the car is brought to you at the airport. Simple, no lines and no shuttle. Argo was developed on the WordPress platform using Twitter Bootstrap.