Riva Davis

Graphic Design

Zirque Blogazine


Zirque is a responsive blogazine built in HTML and CSS on the WordPress platform.  Zirque brings you a blend of the latest in contemporary international circus arts. From interviews with up and coming street artists and performers to reviews of current shows Zirque strives to bring you that special perspective from folks who are passionate about the circus.

You can catch up on new street artists, aerialists and dancers, take a trip to the playa or read reviews of new experimental theater performances. Zirque’s business strategy is to be self-sustaining with the use of online native advertising.

Intercept Mobile App 


Epilepsy is a brain disorder which affects over 2 million people in the U.S. For many of people, their seizures are not responsive to medication, and their only option is costly and invasive surgery. Intercept is a mobile app that works in conjunction with a wireless eeg headset and your mobile phone to help stop epileptic seizures. It works to block and track seizures, compile diagnostic data, give you medication reminders, and alert your emergency contacts in the event that a seizure does occur.

We did quite a lot of research including talking with an ER Physician and a neurophysiologist, visiting a lab to look at eeg devices and reading about epilepsy, the latest treatments and medications. We looked at competitive apps as well as conducting user testing of our prototypes.


Toast Mobile App




Toast is a mobile app for a cafe that allows you to quickly order breakfast from your phone. You can choose from a select group of breakfast items and pick them up at the local Toast cafe easily and efficiently. I was inspired by the many small artisanal toast cafes in San Francisco, and started my process with researching these.

I sent out a survey of what kinds of toast and toppings were the most popular with my users group within a limited amount of options. After compiling the survey results, I aggregated the most popular items and came up with a menu. I created wireframes, made prototypes and did user testing and after many iterations, Toast the app was born.